It is known that red wine is to be served the warmest of all types of wine. During the summer, however, care must be taken not to serve it too warm. Even full-bodied red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon should be checked for hot during hot summer days before serving. Experts say that the temperature of red wine should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius even in summer.

What to do if we find that our red wine is too hot? There are some good old ways to cool red wine properly over the summer. The easiest and fastest way is to put red wine in the freezer for about ten minutes. If you use a bucket of ice, just let the red wine cool for about 15 minutes. You can also pour the red wine into a decanter, which we put in the fridge for about half an hour. Or leave a bottle of red wine on the seventh step in the cellar, similar to what the well-known Czechoslovak film Vesničko has resorts did with beer.

In any case, the old rule that it is a sin to cool red wine during the hot summer no longer applies. Feel free to cool it down and refresh yourself with it. Here too, however, nothing needs to be exaggerated. You should not cool red wine below 11 degrees Celsius.

Try to gently cool our red wine during the summer  CABERNET SAUVIGNON.